Formerly known as Matriculation and as the Student Success and Support Program (3SP/SSSP).

The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program supports the transition of new students into the College by providing services that promote academic achievement and successful completion of degrees and certificates, transfer preparation, and career advancement.  We are here to help ensure your academic success and offer a collection of services to assist all students with reaching their goals while meeting their individualized needs.

A new (first time in college) student must complete the following core services in order to maintain priority registration and meet state mandated requirements.

  1. Orientation (online, in-person, or the PERS 10 course)  
  2. Assessment and placement
  3. Counseling/Advisement to develop an Education Plan (visit a counselor or attend a Schedule Building Workshop)

You should also identify your major (program of study) and your educational goal (certificate, associate degree, transfer) during your first year.