Monterey Peninsula Community College District
Seeks Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Members

The MPCCD Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is charged with monitoring Measures I and V bond-related expenditures at the District.  The CBOC currently has a vacancy to fill on the Committee for a Business Representative: One member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District. The committee consists of a minimum of seven members appointed by the Board of Trustees and meets quarterly. Committee members must be 18 years or older and may not be an employee, vendor, consultant or contractor for the District.

 >> Click here to complete the online application <<


The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee is charged with monitoring Measure I and Measure V bond-related expenditures at Monterey Peninsula Community College District. The Board of Trustees established the committee in February 2003 following voter approval of Measure I Bond in November 2002. In January 2021, the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee for Measure I was reformed to also include oversight for Measure V bond-related expenditures. 

The committee consists of members who represent the local business community, a senior citizen's organization, students, a college support organization, taxpayer's organization, and the community at large.

Be sure to visit MPC Transforms website designed to provide the community with up-to-date information on specific projects funded by Measure V.