Access Resource Center

The Access Resource Center (ARC) offers academic counseling, specialized instruction and classroom accommodations to students with a verified disability. Based on a student’s academically related functional limitations, supports are provided to promote access to campus programs and activities.

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)/CALWorks

CARE is a collaboration between Monterey Peninsula College EOPS and the Monterey County Department of Social Services. It is a program designed to help students succeed in college. CARE recognizes that many students, as single parents on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), have never been able to go to college. The goal of this program is to give TANF participants a chance to overcome obstacles and expand their educational and job training opportunities.

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

EOPS is a state funded program designed to assist low-income and educationally disadvantaged students gain access to and successfully complete a program of higher education.  EOPS students may also be defined as “at risk” since students who are academically underrepresented and have financial need often do not succeed in college without the services of programs such as EOPS.  Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a supplementary grant program within EOPS to provide additional services/benefits to welfare-dependent single parents with children under the age of 14.

International Student Program

Monterey Peninsula College maintains a year-round International Student Office that assists with academic and personal counseling, housing assistance, transfer placement and student activities. The presence of international students on our campus and in our community increases our understanding and respect for the many cultures of the world.  International students gain a deeper understanding of American life by living and studying at MPC.

LGBTQIA+ Support

MPC has a commitment to equity and inclusion for students, faculty and staff members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual. This site has been created to provide valuable information, resources and support structures to all students, faculty and staff at MPC.


The TRiO Programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from limited income and first-generation college backgrounds.  MPC hosts three of the TRiO Programs: Student Support Services, Upward Bound, and Math/Science Upward Bound.  At MPC, the Student Support Services program is designed to prepare students to successfully earn an associate's degree and transfer to a four-year institution; whereas, the Upward Bound and Math/Science Upward Bound programs are designed to assist high school students graduate from high school and successfully enter post-secondary education.


Umoja is a community of success dedicated to the academic success, personal growth, and self-actualization of MPC students.  Umoja enhances your educational experience by integrating academics, support services, and African-American culture.  We aim to educate the whole student as our Umoja family helps you to navigate the college environment and become successful in your educational goals.  

MPC's Umoja Learning Community is a program designed to assist African American and other historically underrepresented students.  Umoja is specifically designed to increase the retention, success, graduation, and transfer rates of African ancestry students.

Veteran's Resource Center

MPC is ready to assist you as you make the transition from military life back to education and beyond. We can assist eligible military veterans, active duty, national guardsmen, reservists, and dependents of service disabled or deceased veterans with the process of submitting Veterans Affairs Education Benefits claims. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Education Benefits are designed to provide eligible persons with an opportunity for educational and career growth. Monterey Peninsula College welcomes you to use those educational benefits on our campus and hopes you will significantly benefit through your education.