Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuAbout TRIO Programs
The TRIO Programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from limited income and first-generation college backgrounds. Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) hosts three of the TRIO Programs.
TRIO Student Support Services program is designed to prepare students to successfully earn an associate's degree and transfer to a four-year institution; whereas, the Upward Bound and Math/Science Upward Bound programs are designed to assist high school students graduate from high school and successfully enter post-secondary education.
TRIO Math-Science Upward Bound
MSUB Program
Math Science Upward Bound (MSUB) is a TRIO federally-funded grant program that offers an intensive summer academy in marine biology for TRIO eligible students from targeted schools in California. These high school students participate on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus for six weeks and follow a rigorous schedule of classes in marine biology, mathematics, communications, foreign language, and computer skills.
The goal of the program is to increase the number of income eligible, first-generation college students entering into math and science majors and careers. Along with the rigorous academic program, a personal development class is offered to foster self-awareness, understanding of others and college orientation. The program achieves a good balance of social and recreational activities along with a demanding academic curriculum where basic skill development is embedded in core curricula. Equally important is the residential experience that simulates the college atmosphere for high school students.
MSUB Services
Summer Program
Academic Courses:
Marine Science/Foreign Language
Personal Development
Residential Experience:
Dorm Life
Field Trips
Guest Speakers
Academic Year Program
Only Nights
Saturday Workshops
Field Trips
ACT Test Prep
Pen Pal
Academic Mentors
Student appointments
Campus Field Trips
Other Field Trips