Monterey Peninsula College
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Education Planning
It is strongly recommended that all students meet with a counselor at least once a semester for education planning. By completing an education plan students will know which courses are needed to accomplish their academic, career, or transfer goals.
New MPC Students
Students who are new to MPC are advised to schedule an appointment with a counselor for assistance in selecting courses. Transfer students can have their outside *transcripts evaluated by a counselor to determine how their courses transfer to MPC. A completed education plan is one of the requirements to receive priority registration (link to priority registration page) as a new fully matriculated student.
*Counselors are able to evaluate unofficial transcripts, but students will later need to submit official transcripts to Admissions and Records.
Continuing & Returning Students
Students who have completed coursework at MPC can have their coursework evaluated and education plan updated by a counselor. The counselor will also provide information about degree and transfer requirements as well as important dates and deadlines.
Veteran Students
All students receiving veteran’s benefits must meet with a counselor to complete an education plan. For veteran students who need a comprehensive education plan (in preparation for their second semester and beyond at MPC), all official transcripts from outside institutions need to be on file at Admissions & Records and a one-hour counseling appointment should be scheduled.
Students participating in intercollegiate sports are required to complete a three semester education plan during the first semester of competition. The education plan ensures student-athletes maintain their eligibility.
Note: Those who wish to satisfy the education plan requirement for priority registration without meeting with a counselor can complete the Student Education Plan Form and submit via email for approval.