Creative Writing

creative writing student working on a piece

Explore your imagination and strengthen your writing skills in classes focused on fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and the novel. 

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Writing Your Career Story

Because strong writing is among the top skills valued by employers, creative writing coursework is a solid foundation for careers in advertising, journalism, public relations and marketing, as well as literary jobs in publishing, teaching and non-profits.
Classes to Certificate
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Degrees or Certificates to Choose From

MPC’s Creative Writing program benefits students planning to pursue four-year degrees in writing and other disciplines and anyone interested in building stronger writing, reading, and critical thinking skills.
Creative Writing student works on an essay
Associate in Arts Degree

Creative Writing

Student working on a laptop on a writing assignment in the library
Certificate of Achievement

Creative Writing

MPC Creative Writing student listens attentively in class
Course Catalog

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Join MPC’s Writing Community

Literary activities on campus provide further opportunities to engage with writing craft and learn about techniques, processes, and challenges.
MPC Creative Writing Club Advisor supports students in their club efforts

Creative Writing Club

Share your own work and read submissions from others, help plan literary events on campus and edit Scheherazade, MPC’s literary magazine. Talk about writing, writers and books with other MPC students. 

Student Awards in Creative Writing

Each year MPC's Humanities faculty select outstanding students in their programs to receive book award grants for recognize them for their hard work and dedication.
Laura Wilson pictured with Henry Marchand at the Spring 2024 Book Award Ceremony

Laura Wilson

Laura Wilson received the 2024 Ray Fabrizio Award.
Laura Wilson was nominated by Creative Writing instructor Henry Marchand 
Shawn Leonard pictured with Creative Writing program coordinator Henry Marchang

Shawn Leonard

Shawn Leonard received the 2024 David Gitin Award.
Shawn Leonard was nominated by Creative Writing instructor Joshua Converse

Creative Writing Highlights & Resources

Hnery Marchand reads an excerpt from a banned book during MPC's Banned Bookd Read Out

Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in libraries, bookstores, and schools. Typically (but not always) held during the last week of September, the annual Fall event at MPC highlights the value of free and open access to information. Students who want to learn more can stop by our Creative Writing Club table and join us for a special Banned Books Read-In, open to all!

About Banned Books

The American Library Association collects reports of attempted and successful book bannings from public and private schools and libraries nationwide. There are hundreds of such cases reported annually, and an unknown number go undocumented. A Book Ban results when an individual or organization attempts to have a book removed from library circulation or from a school reading list and is successful in doing so. A Challenge results when the attempt is unsuccessful.
In recent years the number of challenges and the number of different books banned or challenged have both grown exponentially.

Books that have been among the most targeted for decades include classics like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, To Kill a Mockingbird, Slaughterhouse Five, The Color Purple, Beloved, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, among others.

See the latest Top 10 Most Challenged Books

  • The poem “The Daughter of Samhain” by Shawn Leonard and short stories “The Hanged Man” by Booker Catlin and “The Shortcut” by Marc Ferris were selected as winners of the 2023 MPC Halloween Writing Contest. They will appear in the next issue of Scheherazade, the MPC Literary Magazine.
  • Howard Gustafson has published Fort Ord Poetry and Song (with stories, cartoons, humor) collecting original work by soldiers who lived and trained at Fort Ord during the period spanning the pre-WW II years until the closure of the massive U.S. Army base in 1994.
  • Sophia Moreno attends CSU-Monterey Bay as a Creative Writing major.
  • Autumn Guerrero attends San Jose State University as a Creative Writing major.
  • Madeline Eubanks graduated from Humboldt State University as an English major with a focus in Creative Writing.
  • Works by Sophia Moreno (Poetry), Miriam Mack-Piccone (Fiction), and Michelle Prejean (Memoir) were selected for inclusion in the MPC Theatre Program production, Perseverance, presented online in May, 2021. The writers read their work in recorded segments that appeared during the event.
  • Jupiter Berrysmith's short story, "The Blackbird," was selected as the winner of the 2020 Halloween Writing Contest and appears in Issue 11 of Scheherazade, to be published in Spring 2022.

Crafting a Path to Publication

"The program was genuinely beneficial in helping me develop my skill as a writer. The workshop format provided the opportunity to share my work and receive valuable feedback. Reading other writers, including those outside my genre, taught me more about the craft of writing. I subsequently sold and published my first novel, and I am currently revising my second."
Jeff McKown Headshot
Jeff McKown
MPC Alumnus