Participatory Governance

Good decisions are the result of sharing and listening to diverse perspectives. At MPC, participatory governance refers to the involvement of faculty, staff, and students in decisions that affect the institution. Through MPC’s participatory governance structure, constituent groups communicate their perspectives to those who ultimately make final institutional decisions: the Superintendent/President and the Board of Trustees.

Your Guide to Participatory Governance

The Resource Guide to Institutional Decision Making at MPC outlines MPC's participatory governance structure and details the function of each committee and group.

Get the Guide

Governance Groups

MPC has two bodies that develop recommendations on board policies and academic and professional matters as defined by California law. Meetings of these groups are open to the public and agendas and minutes are available for review. 

Operational Groups

MPC relies on a number of groups to implement board policies and procedures. These groups ensure the college operates smoothly. For details about each group and how to get involved, see the Resource Guide to Institutional Decision Making

Administrative Unit Groups

  • Academic Affairs Advisory Group
  • Administrative Services Advisory Group
  • President's Advisory Group
  • Student Services Advisory Group


College-Wide Committees

  • Basic Skills Committee
  • Budget Committee
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
  • Facilities Committee
  • Learning Assessment Committee
  • Online Education Committee
  • Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee
  • Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee
  • Student Success Committee
  • Technology Committee

Ad Hoc Committees

Several important committees come together as needed to complete seasonal or occasional work. They include:

  • Calendar Committee
  • Professional Recognition Board
  • Student Grievance Committee