Academic Counseling

    Student Speaking to Academic Counselor
    Discover your pathway to success with Academic Counseling at Monterey Peninsula College. Our Counselors can help you create an education plan, evaluate transcripts, explore careers, and support your success. Let's map out your MPC journey together!


    Student Services Building - 2nd Floor

    Monday - Thursday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM

    Friday: 8 AM - 12 PM

    Contact Us


    Make an appointment to meet with an Academic Counselor at either the Monterey or Marina Campus by clicking the appropriate button below!

    Specialized Counseling

    MPC offers several specialized programs, including ARC, EOPS, FYE, ISP, MESA, TRIO, Umoja, and Veterans. If you are a part of one of these specialized programs, schedule your Counseling appointment now by clicking on the appropriate button below!

    Get Ready for Your Appointment

    In order to have questions answered and needs met during your appointment, please have the following items:

    • List of questions to ask the counselor
    • Notepad to take notes of the session.
    • Previous educational plans
    • Transcripts from other institutions
    • Test scores such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

    Create Your Education Plan

    Meet with a counselor at least once a semester for education planning. By completing an education plan, you will know which courses are needed to accomplish your academic, career, or transfer goals. If you wish to satisfy the education plan requirement for priority registration without meeting with a counselor, complete the Student Education Plan Form and email it to for approval. Some programs, such as Veterans, Student-Athletes, MPC Promise, and other specialized programs require an education plan.

    New Students

    If you are new to MPC, schedule an appointment with a counselor for assistance in selecting courses. A completed education plan is one of the requirements for receiving priority registration as a new, fully matriculated student. 

    Transfer students can have their outside transcripts evaluated by a counselor to determine how their courses transfer to MPC. Counselors can evaluate unofficial transcripts, but eventually you will need to submit official transcripts to Admissions & Records if your goal is to earn a degree.

    Continuing and Returning Students

    If you have completed coursework at MPC, a counselor can evaluate your coursework and update your education plan. The counselor will also provide information about degree and transfer requirements and important dates and deadlines.

    "I am so grateful for the opportunity to begin my non-traditional entry into college at MPC. The faculty has given me the confidence, materials, and time necessary for me to be encouraged about my future career as a nurse. From my first counseling appointment to one-on-ones with my teachers, I have felt empowered to achieve my educational goals."
    Krisandra Diaz Mendez
    Nursing Student

    Non-MPC Courses

    Prerequisite Courses

    If you've completed a prerequisite course elsewhere and the official grade has been recorded, please fill out the Prerequisite Verification Form and submit it, along with the unofficial transcript, via email at Processing takes 1-3 business days. No counseling appointment is needed for this verification.


    Outside Transcript Evaluation

    Current and/or prospective MPC students who have already earned external college credit and are planning to graduate and/ or transfer from MPC should complete the Transcript Evaluation Request Form. External college credit can include: coursework at other regionally accredited institutions and external exam credit, such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP).

    Educational Planning Resources

    The Counseling Department provides Major Requirements Worksheets which list the requirements for certificate of achievement and associate degree programs. Certificate of training programs and their requirements, however, are listed within the respective academic department's webpage.
    Students Looking at the Same Laptop Together in the Library
    Ready to Pick a Major?

    Major Requirements

    Students Writing Notes and Reading in Class
    Enrich Your Knowledge

    General Education

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