Associated Departments
Campus Security
The Security Office provides on-campus security augmentation, working directly with faculty, staff and students. This office oversees the security staff and serves as liaison with local law enforcement, fire and other emergency services.
Facilities Department
Facilities includes building maintenance, custodial services, grounds maintenance and warehouse/mailroom services, shipping/receiving and facilities rental for non-MPC events.
Fiscal Services & Purchasing
Fiscal Services includes Accounts Payable, Accounting, Budget, Staff and Payroll. Purchasing supports the entire campus by issuing purchase orders, obtaining quotes, maintaining vendor contacts, and administering the Office Depot On-Line accounts, the Business Travel Account and the Cal-Card Program. It also administers the campus Capital Asset Inventory.
Information Technology
The Information Technology Department provides data storage and acquisition services for the college. Additionally, the IT Department provides special project programming, application software development/support, PC hardware support, help desk support, network services support, and telephone system support for the college.
Administrative Resources
Facilities & Technology Master Plan
The Facilities and Technology Master Plan (FTMP) outlines the facilities and technology needed to support the College’s 2020-25 Educational Master Plan across all campus locations. It aligns with the EMP's goals to:
- Enhance student success, retention, transfer, and completion
- Address pedagogical and learning needs
- Recruit and retain diverse, talented faculty and staff
- Upgrade facilities, technology, and infrastructure
- Plan and prioritize based on community needs with a focus on sustainability and innovation
- Ensure a transparent, participatory development process
View the comprehensive Board of Trustees approved 2020-25 Educational Master Plan.
CARES Act Funding
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 6/30/24 (Revised)
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 3/31/24
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 12/31/23
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 9/30/23
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 6/30/23 (Revised)
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 3/31/23
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 12/31/22
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 9/30/22
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 6/30/22 (Revised)
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 3/31/22
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 12/31/21
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 9/30/21
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 6/30/21
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 3/31/21
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 12/31/20
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 9/30/20
- Quarterly Expenditure Report as of 6/30/20