American Sign Language

student practicing sign language

Would you like to learn a unique visual, spatial, and gestural language, gain a new perspective on communication and culture, and connect with members of the Deaf community?  Join MPC’s American Sign Language program to acquire language proficiency with an emphasis on conversational practice. 

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Meet Your Instructors

Staff Directory

Fluency for an Inclusive Culture

Program graduates are in demand in a variety of fields that value multilingualism and multiculturalism and/or specifically serve people who use ASL as their primary mode of communication.
Job Growth - Interpreters
Classes to Certificate
Average Salary - Audiologists

Degrees or Certificates to Choose From

Students in the ASL program acquire language proficiency using the communicative approach; emphasizing conversational practice; and focusing on authentic texts, linguistic competence, and cultural awareness.
MPC ASL student practices signing with partner during class
Associate in Arts Degree

American Sign Language

MPC ASL student practices new vocab words during class
Certificate of Achievement

American Sign Language

Inspiring New Possibilities

"The ASL program at MPC has really taught me so much and has inspired me to become better with signing and I am more involved in the Deaf community because of it. Thanks to MPC’s faculty, I want to continue studying ASL and I can actually, for the first time in my college career, see myself transferring to a higher education."
Rachel Kohaut Headshot
Rachel Kohaut
MPC Alumnus

ASL Resources