Learn the fastest-growing language in California and the second most widely-spoken language worldwide. MPC’s program teaches Spanish skills for work, social life, or travel and offers courses for Spanish speakers as well as specialized instruction in interpretation and translation.
Meet Your Instructors
Spanish FacultyLearn the Language of the Future
Additional Course Tracks Meet Diverse Needs
Select courses that align with your Spanish proficiency, academic goals, and career aspirations. Whether you're a native speaker looking to refine your grammar and expand your vocabulary, interested in a high-demand career in translation and interpretation, or eager to explore Latinx culture and social issues, MPC offers supplementary programs designed to support your journey.
Español para Hispanohablantes
Toma las clases de español 1S, 2S, 3S y 4S. Gradúate con un Certificado o con un Asociado.
Aprende la gramática desde tu perspectiva como hispanohablante, amplía tu vocabulario y profundiza tu comprensión del español e inglés. Conéctate con tu herencia cultural, mejora tu expresión oral y accede a más oportunidades académicas y profesionales en diversos campos.

Translation & Interpretation
Translators and interpreters are in high demand and California offers more jobs than any other state. These professionals work in a variety of settings, including medical offices, schools, government agencies, and as translators and localization experts in businesses.
MPC’s Spanish/English program includes theories and practices of translating and interpreting, focusing on comprehension of source language texts and accurate expression of content and style in translations.
Learn More about Translation & Interpretation
Latinx Studies
Understand and analyze the complexity of Latinx lives in the United States and develop skills to be a proactive citizen in your community, working and living competently in diverse settings.
Learn More About Latinx Studies
Degrees or Certificates to Choose From



Translation and Interpretation - Spanish/English


Spanish for Spanish Speakers

LatinX Studies

All Spanish Classes
More Than Just a Language
Beneficios de las clases de español para hispanohablantes:
- Aprende gramática básica teniendo en cuenta tu punto de vista como hablante de español.
- Estudia español igual que los hablantes nativos de inglés siguen estudiando su lengua.
- Conecta y compara las estructuras de español e inglés continuamente para conseguir un aprendizaje más profundo.
- Amplía tu vocabulario.
- ¡La familia siempre nota y agradece mucho la mejoría!
- Aprende más sobre tu lengua y tu herencia cultural.
- Accede a muchas más oportunidades profesionales en inglés o español.
- Convive con una comunidad de estudiantes con intereses y experiencias similares.
- Lleva esta clase para cumplir con su requisito de lengua.
- Practica la expresión oral para comunicarte con fluidez en un ambiente académico.
- Transmite tu conocimiento de generación en generación.
- Gana en seguridad, confianza y optimismo. ¡Si se puede!
- Exprésate con fluidez en cualquier profesión que realices en nuestra comunidad. Complementa tus estudios con una especialización en español.
- Aprende sobre la industria de servicios lingüísticos.
- Conoce a gente de la comunidad.
- Gradúate con un Certificado o con un Asociado.
- Transmite tu herencia cultural.
Just a few of the reasons to learn Spanish:
- Spanish is a widely (and increasingly) spoken language in California.
- Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, after Chinese. Currently, there is a rapid growth of Spanish in the U.S.
- By 2050, the U.S. is projected to be the biggest Spanish-speaking country in the world. You may have noticed that politicians, other public figures, advertisers, government agencies, and businesses are starting to more widely use Spanish to connect with greater numbers and diversity of people in the U.S.
- The language services industry is the fourth fastest growing industry in the United States. This industry includes occupations in business, marketing, instruction, translation, interpretation, etc. Spanish linguistics plays a key role in many companies.
- Companies want to sell products locally and globally. Since there are more and more Spanish Speakers, fields such as localization, internationalization, translation and interpretation are growing rapidly in the U.S.
- Many organizations are developing a Spanish version for their products, websites, commercials, etc.
- The fusion of technology/engineering and world languages is the future. Tech companies in the Bay Area and around the world are adapting digital and technology products to different languages for global audiences. Knowledge of languages and cultures is necessary for this work. Websites, apps, marketing, and products need to be translated and adapted to appeal to audiences with different cultures.
- A bilingual, bi-cultural person has a broader perspective of the world, which is highly valued in this increasingly global economy.
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects double-digit job growth for interpreters and translators, with California having the most jobs in the field of any state. (View the latest statistics here)
- There is a shortage in medical interpreting Spanish/English in the area.
- There is a shortage for bilingual instructors in California after Proposition 58 passed, which opens the possibility for more classes to be taught in Spanish and languages other than English. Spanish instructors and teachers who can teach content in other subjects in Spanish are greatly needed.
- Spanish permeates all areas and industries because of the growth of the Latinx/Hispanic population and the resilience of Spanish language and Latinx culture among families. Anybody who opens a business or plans to open a business in the future will have to consider these linguistic and cultural changes to reach this rapidly growing population.
- Learning Spanish can help you develop life-changing skills. By completing a degree or certificate in Spanish, you will join over 400 million people who speak the language while learning more about your culture and the culture of others.
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