Campus Safety

Your safety matters to us. Explore Monterey Peninsula College's safety hub, your go-to resource for emergency alerts, COVID-19 guidelines, campus safety tips, and more. From security contact information to health protocols, we've got you covered.

Security Office


Monday - Friday: 5 AM - 11 PM

Saturday: 7 AM - 5:30 PM

(831) 646-4099

Director of Campus Security

A Message From the President

Welcome to all new and returning faculty, staff, students, and visitors to Monterey Peninsula College. As a campus community member, we all share the responsibility of maintaining a safe and healthy environment. A truly safe campus can be achieved through the involvement of all students, staff, and faculty. The leadership team at our college will continue to support and work collaboratively with local law enforcement, faculty, staff, and students to develop and implement safety procedures.

- Dr. Marshall T. Fulbright, III, Ed.D.

Safety First at MPC!

At MPC, ensuring the safety and well-being of our campus community remains a priority. Learn more about our comprehensive approach to COVID-19 safety, campus alerts, and Title IX compliance.

Protecting Our Community

Collaborating closely with local law enforcement, our Campus Security Department is dedicated to maintaining a safe environment. We take all crimes on campus seriously, promptly reporting them for a thorough investigation.

Megan's Law (AB 488), signed by the Governor on September 24, 2004, directs the Office of the Attorney General to provide the public with Internet access to detailed information on the identities and whereabouts of approximately 63,000 registered offenders residing in California.

California's Megan's Law provides the public with certain information on the whereabouts of sex offenders so that members of our local communities can protect themselves and their children. The law is not intended to punish the offender and specifically prohibits using the information to harass or commit any crime against the offender.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Monterey Peninsula College posts the Annual Security Report-Campus Crime Statistics. We report this information to the Office of PostSecondary Education Campus Security Statistics Website in cooperation with the U.S. Dept of Education

You can receive a copy of the Annual Security Report-Campus Crime Statistics by contacting MPC Campus Security at (831) 646-4005.


Use this form to report medical issues, possible injuries, and property damage. Please submit the form to Student Health SVC and Campus Security for medical reporting. For property damage, please submit it to security.


Emergency Contact Information

In case of an emergency, dial 911 immediately.

For incidents on campus, call Campus Security at (831) 646-4099. If it is after hours and a non-emergency takes place on campus, use the below contact information.

Monterey Police (831) 646-3914
Marina Police (831) 384-7575
Seaside Police (831) 394-6811
Monterey Fire Department (831) 646-3914
Marina Fire Department (831) 275-1700
Seaside Fire Department (831) 899-6790