The Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) supports MPC by leading institutional planning and evaluation, setting direction for Program Review, and guiding research that supports equitable student success.
Services We Provide
The Office of PRIE supports faculty and staff by providing guidance and data to support:
- Inquiry into Student Achievement and Student Learning
- Program Review
- Evaluation of Institutional or Departmental Processes and Plans
Institutional Documents & Tools for Evaluation and Planning
Institutional Reporting
Methodology for Student Achievement Data (Including Institution Set Standards & Stretch Goals)
Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

Planning defines the goals and actions needed to fulfill the college mission at both the institutional and department/program levels. Institutional Effectiveness is determining how well we are achieving our mission and goals.
Integrated Planning is a process linking human, physical, technological, and fiscal resources to the mission, vision, and priorities of the college. Integrated planning activities provide a structure for a cycle of ongoing evaluation, decision-making, and action that leads to continuous improvement in support of student learning and success. MPC’s integrated planning is designed to be a cycle of data-informed inquiry, feedback, and improvement. All planning processes at MPC follow a cycle of data-informed resource prioritization, allocation, implementation, evaluation, and improvement, as illustrated in the MPC Integrated Planning Model. Broadly speaking, planning activities involve developing, implementing, and evaluating the results of a plan. All integrated planning centers around the College mission and link to the Institutional Goals and Education Master Plan.
Supplemental Resources