Fire Protection Technology

Firefighter putting out a wildfire

Are you a disciplined team player who works well under pressure? Do you enjoy physical training and mechanical work? Firefighting may be a fit for you. MPC offers basic fire academy training as well as advanced coursework for officer and specialist training.

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Mastering the Skills That Matter

With wildfires occurring more frequently in California, fire agencies are growing their ranks. Graduates can also work in emergency management, forensics, and insurance, and pursue further studies for careers in civic and policy planning surrounding fire protection.

Weeks of Fire Academy Training
Job Growth - Fire Inspectors
Million Acres Protected by CAL FIRE

Fire Academy

Learn academic and practical skills to satisfy requirements for California certification as a Firefighter I or II. Complete our interest form to receive the latest information on upcoming academy schedules.

Fire Academy Interest Form

Degrees & Certificates to Choose From

Prepare for a career in the fire service with a broad range of course and degree options. 
MPC's Fire Academy Students Undergoing Training
Certificate of Achievement

Fire Academy

Firefighter Speaking with Fire Officer
Associate in Science

Company Officer

Three Firefighters in Uniform Undergoing Training
Associate in Science

Fire Protection Technology

Two Firefighters in Uniform Undergoing Training
Certificate of Achievement

Fire Protection Technology

Three Firefighters Posing for Picture in Front of Firetruck
Certificate of Achievement

Company Officer

Firefighter in Uniform Holding Tablet and Standing in Front of Firetruck
Non-Credit Certificate of Completion

Firefighter Trainee - Field Training

Fire Service Career Information

Firefighters hold more than 300,000 paying career jobs across the U.S. The vast majority – more than 85% — work for local governments. Most of the remainder worked for federal and state governments. A few worked at airports, chemical plants, and other industrial sites. Here are tips and resources for career success.

Physically fit applicants with high test scores and paramedic training have the best job prospects.

Volunteering is another way to gain valuable work experience. There are approximately twice as many volunteer firefighters as there are paid career firefighters.

Volunteer firefighters share the same duties as paid firefighters and account for the majority of firefighters in many areas. 

According to the National Fire Department Registry, about 69 percent of fire departments are staffed entirely by volunteer firefighters.

Firefighters typically work long and varied hours. Most firefighters work 24-hour shifts on duty and are off the following 48 or 72 hours. Some firefighters work 10/14 shifts which means 10 hours working and 14 hours off. 

When not on the scene of an emergency, firefighters work at fire stations, where they sleep, eat, and remain on call. When an alarm sounds, firefighters respond, regardless of the weather or time of day.

When combating forest fires, firefighters may work for extended periods without time off.

Firefighters have one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations. They often encounter dangerous situations, including collapsing floors and walls, traffic accidents, and overexposure to flames and smoke. As a result, workers must wear protective gear to help lower these risks. Often, the protective gear can be very heavy and hot.