Share Your Passion!
MPC’s Continuing and Professional Education program provides short-term not-for-credit workshops, classes, and events that are designed for personal enrichment and career development. We’re always looking for new courses and instructors in topics that are current, equitable, and accessible.
You don’t need a teaching credential to be an instructor in Continuing and Professional Education. You just need passion for your chosen subject, a skill set and/or expertise to share, and a desire to work with a diverse range of learners.
The program is looking to offer classes in the areas of, but not limited to:
- Holistic health and wellness
- Nutrition
- Professional skills training
- Youth programs
- Local culture and history
More Details: What You Need to Know
Submit Your Course Proposal
Please fill out the application form. The program course committee will review your proposal and make a recommendation to the MPC Board of Trustees. The Continuing & Professional Education staff will notify you of the board’s decision.
If you have questions, or to submit your completed form, email
What You Need to Know & Do to Offer a Class
Continuing & Professional Education classes are fee-based and do not offer college credits. Students interested in taking a class will pay a fee at the time of registration.
Instructors are paid once the class has concluded. Prospective instructors interested in compensation for curriculum development should contact the program director, (831) 646-4058.
Course Fees
As the instructor, you set the class fee, and include the amount in your course proposal application. You’ll receive 60% of the course fee collected. MPC keeps the remaining 40% to pay for facility use, publicity, and other overhead costs.
The program’s goal is to provide access to equitable learning opportunities. Proposed class fees should be reasonable in order to encourage enrollment and reduce barriers to access. Continuing & Professional Education staff will contact you to finalize class fees prior to advertising the class.
Materials Fees
Students pay a separate materials fee when they register. You’re responsible for purchasing the materials, providing receipts, and invoicing MPC to be reimbursed for 100% of the costs.
In general, classes are primarily geared toward students ages 18 and up. If your proposed class is designed for a specific age group, such as youth or seniors, please include the target age range in your proposal.
Unless otherwise specified, classes should be designed with the general population in mind and be inclusive and welcoming of diverse student perspectives. If course material is especially relevant to specific professions or audiences, please highlight them in your proposal
Consider offering classes in the evenings and/or weekends to accommodate students’ personal and work commitments.
Classes are held on one of MPC’s Campuses, unless you require a special facility or location.
Continuing & Professional Education staff will assist you with reserving MPC classrooms and securing outside facilities if needed.
Credit courses receive first priority for use of facilities at MPC. If you’re assigned an MPC classroom, you’re responsible for maintaining and cleaning up the space after class meetings.
You’ll receive a temporary parking pass for the dates and times of the class being offered. Your students will be required to purchase daily parking permits for each class meeting.
Continuing & Professional Education staff will assist with publicizing all classes through one or more of the following channels: printed class schedule, print and digital class flyers, program website, and email marketing initiatives.
You’re encouraged to further promote the class through your own website, email list, and/or social media channels.
Students enroll in Continuing & Professional Education classes through Regpack, a standalone registration system separate from MPC’s admissions office.
The Continuing & Professional Education staff will send your enrollment roster to you prior to the start of the class.
If a student decides to drop the class, direct them to the Continuing & Professional Education office: or (831) 646-4058.
At the end of each class, students will receive an email with a link to a class evaluation form. Evaluation submissions will be anonymous.
Results will be provided for the sole purpose of evaluating effectiveness of the class and receiving ideas for improvement.