Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a federally funded program for first-generation, low-income high school students (ages 13-19) to help them succeed in postsecondary education. Its goal is to increase college enrollment and graduation rates by offering support with college admissions, entrance exams, academic guidance, counseling, and tutoring through a multi-year program.

Student Services


Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM

(831) 646-4129

Staff Directory

UB Requirements

MPC's Upward Bound Program builds skills and motivation for high school completion and college success, offering academic support along with unique educational and cultural experiences that they might not otherwise have access to.


6 Week Summer Academy at MPC

Program combining components of Science, Math, & Communication with field trips to local industries and marine labs. Students participate in counseling, fall preparation, and computer classes, and present their final projects to demonstrate what they've learned by the end of the program.

Free Summer Trip

Free trip offered to Top 50 students to Southern California to visit Colleges & Universities.

Summer Banquet

After-School Tutoring

Tutoring offered at MPC's TRIO Learning Center throughout the Academic Year. Required to attend at least 2 hrs/week to remain active participants.

HOURS: Monday/Tuesday: 3:30 - 7 PM, Wednesday: 3 - 7 PM, Thursday: 3:30 - 5:30 PM


Saturday workshops on varied subjects, including colleges, careers, & professional development.


Year-round trips to colleges, as wella as cultural enrichment trips like museums, theaters, sportiving events, kayaking, etc. Eligibility is based off student participation.

Test & Application Fee Waiver Eligibility


Eligibilty for small stipends based on student participation.

Ready to Apply?

Typically, the recruitment & application process to follows these steps:

  • Attend an Upward Bound presentation at your middle school in early spring of 8th grade.
  • Submit the Interest Form online, which will trigger an invitation to the mandatory Information Session.
  • Attend the mandatory Information Session at MPC and receive an application to apply to Upward Bound.
  • Submit completed application by the deadline.
  • Students who submit a completed application by the deadline will be scheduled for an interview.
  • All students who participate in an interview will receive a decision letter in the mail.
  • Accepted students and parents/guardians must attend a mandatory New Student Orientation.

Submit the Interest Form

Stay on Track!

View checklists to ensure UB students are fully prepared for college. By following these checklists, students can be confident they are meeting important milestones on their path to college success.

9th Grade Checklist    10th Grade Checklist
11th Grade Checklist    12th Grade Checklist

Helpful Tools & Resources

The Princeton Review
An informative and comprehensive internet site, where students can gather information about tests, admissions, internships, and career programs.

College View
A free online college search service with profiles of all accredited colleges & universities in the US and Canada, virtual tours of hundreds of schools, electronic college applications, scholarships and financial aid info, careers information and career planning tools.

College Net
Assistance in finding information about college searches, recruiting, and college sources. Also helps with financial assistance and scholarships.

Provides programs and services in the areas of teaching and learning, assessment, guidance, placement, financial aid, admissions, and enrollment.

Office of Post-Secondary Education
The Department of Education's listing of colleges, business schools, technical schools and historically black colleges.

UC Pathways
Welcome to PATHWAYS, the University of California's undergraduate admission information and application network.

CSU Mentor
CSUMentor is an online resource designed to help students and their families learn about the CSU system, select a CSU campus to attend, plan to finance higher education, and apply for admission.

UC Subject Requirements (A-G)
High school and middle school students use the information and tools found in this website to  plan high school classes so they will meet UC admission requirements when they graduate high school/

Mapping Your Future
A wealth of information about career search, college search, financial assistance and scholarship search with lots of good resources available.

Adventures In Education
Online service providing career planning help and information on selecting and paying for college.

US Department of Labor
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.

America’s Career Info. Net.
Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.

The Department of Education's web site to apply for federal financial aid.

Provides a free, comprehensive, independent, and objective guide to student financial aid.

A financial aid and career Internet site for college students, college-bound students and their parents, and recent college graduates. Database of more than 850,000 college scholarships, awards, grants, and prizes.

United Negro College Fund
Provides a wide range of African-American scholarship information

This site provides a great deal of information about the standardized test. A few practice questions are also provided.

Provides comprehensive guide to provide students with the information they need to know about earning a masters degree.

The Princeton Review
An informative and comprehensive internet site, where students can gather information about tests, admissions, internships, and career programs.