What is ARC?

The Access Resource Center is responsible for determining and providing reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Additionally, ARC has specialized classes (LNSK) and support services which assist students in fully accessing other college courses on campus. Our LNSK Classes  include reading, writing, arithmetic, computer skills, adaptive technology and more.

Eligibility is based on verified disability documentation (e.g., physicians report, IEP, 504, psychological evaluation, etc.). If there are questions about disability documentation please contact the ARC Office.

To receive services from ARC a student must be registered or planning to register for the current semester and:

  • Complete an ARC Application for Services
  • Provide Verification of Disability
  • Complete the Students Rights & Responsibilities Form
  • Meet with an ARC Counselor and complete an Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP)
  • Request Accommodations

No, information is released from ARC without a Consent of Release of Information Form signed by the student. There is nothing on a student's enrollment or transcript to indicate that a student is registered with, or receiving services from ARC. (LNSK classes do appear on the transcript, however.) With permission, an ARC counselor will discuss services and/or educational limitations with an instructor(s).

Yes. A wide variety of test accommodations are available for students whose disabilities require a modification in testing conditions to demonstrate course content mastery. Frequently used accommodations include additional time, reduced distraction environment and use of assistive technology, but others may be utilized. These are recommended by your counselor and are based on your educational limitations and the nature of the test.

Approach an instructor privately during the office hour or at an agreed upon time. Let the instructor know that an accommodation is required. Sharing the specific disability is not required. The instructor will be required to sign the appropriate form, informing him/her of the accommodation and what action if any needs to be taken. If it is unclear how to adjust for a particular course requirement, this may be shared with the instructor and suggestions might be offered that have worked in the past for similar situations. Work with the instructor to find an alternative. If assistance is needed with this, see an ARC counselor.

No, with the exception of extremely rare cases.  All students must meet both the course and test requirements for graduation. In rare instances, students may petition to have a graduation requirement substituted with alternative course work. Petitions are considered on a case-by-case basis. This is a lengthy process and students are encouraged to meet all requirements as outlined in the catalog.

No.  Some students may not be registered with ARC (registration is voluntary); however, in order for ARC to serve a student with a verified disability, registration with ARC is necessary.

Most likely, yes.  Please contact the ARC Office for more information.

In college, an accommodation will not alter the fundamental nature of, or requirements for, any course or program.