New Students

Two MPC Students Walking on Campus
Welcome to MPC! Our easy application process is free and doesn’t obligate you to commit to a specific program or courseload. The application is 100% online - you can apply on your own or receive one-on-one assistance in person at the Admissions & Records office on campus.

Apply Hassle-Free to MPC!

  MPC’s application is powered by Open CCCApply through the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. There is no cost to apply. Follow these three simple steps:

2. Fill Out the Open CCCApply Form

In Open CCCApply, click "Submit an Application." Answer all questions accurately and click the "Submit" link at the end.

For assistance or questions, contact MPC Admissions & Records at (831) 646-4002 or email

Need help applying online? Stop by the Admissions & Records Office, and we'll assist you on one of the computers in the lobby.

3. Check for Your Welcome Email

After you apply, you should get an email within 5 to 10 minutes with the Subject: line "Welcome to Monterey Peninsula College."

Keep this email. It contains your nine-digit student ID, info about signing up for classes, and important messages.

Troubleshooting: Didn’t get the email? 

  1. Check your email spam and promotions folders. 
  2. Log in to your Open CCCApply account to check your application was complete and accepted.
  3. Contact Admissions & Records for further help.