The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program supports the transition to college
for new students. Access a collection of services to help reach your academic and
career goals, while meeting your individual needs.
Onboarding for College Life
In order to maintain priority registration and comply with state requirements, new MPC students enrolling in college for the first time must:
- Attend Orientation (online, in-person, or the PERS 10 course)
- Obtain Course Placement for English, Math, and English as a Second Language, if applicable
- Access Academic Advising to develop an Education Plan (visit a counselor or attend a Schedule Building Workshop).
- During your first year, identify your major (program of study) and your educational goal (certificate, associate degree, transfer).
Help with Textbook Costs
Textbooks are expensive - let us help! To receive free access to online and physical
textbooks through the Student Equity Lending Library, look up the titles you need
on your syllabus or through the MPC Bookstore. Then follow the steps below.
- There is a $400 maximum amount for each eBook/Access Code request per semester.
- Access is available during fall and spring semesters only (not summer sessions).
- One ebook or book with access code available per semester on a first come, first served basis, and while funds are available.
- Click the link and fill out the form to make a request. You must be logged into your
Lobo Apps account to access this form.
- Wait two business days after making your request.
- Go directly to the MPC Bookstore to pick up your eBook/access code. Let the cashier
know that you’ve requested a book through the Student Equity Lending Library, the
course number, and the name of the book that you’d like to receive.
- Make sure to take a form of picture ID with you to the Bookstore along with proof
of class registration.
Requests for physical books are processed through the MPC Library. Please be aware that requests can only be made for books that are currently in the Library's collection.
- Contact the MPC Library to see if the book is available by searching the online catalog or contacting a librarian
at the circulation desk or via email, text, chat, or phone.
- You can also check to see if books are already on reserve at the library and being
held for class use. Use the “Course Reserves” drop-down in the online catalog search
- If a book is available for you to reserve, you must pick it up within three days.
- When you visit the library to claim your book, bring your MPC Student ID card or MPC
Library card and proof of class registration.
- If you can’t find the books you need, instructors may refer you to additional campus resources or, if available, temporarily place extra copies on reserve at the library. Ask your instructor to email for more information on temporary reserves.