TRIO Counseling

TRIO SSS has a dedicated team of counselors who are here to help you define your educational goals and provide support to help you succeed.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact TRIO Counselor

Scheduling an Appointment

You cannot schedule a counseling appointment if you haven't completed your TRIO SSS 1st visit (e.g., attended “Fall/Spring Check-In” or met with a counselor during the first week of the semester). Appointments can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.

Note: Appointments booked on-line default to a Zoom appointment. If you would like to change it to an "In-Person" or "Phone" appt, please contact after you book the appt, and we will be happy to make the change.

If you have any questions, email or contact our office at (831) 646-4246 and we will do our best to find an opening.


Schedule an Appointment with a TRIO SSS Counselor

Student meeting with counselor over zoom

Counselor Information & Schedule

If you do not see an available day/time, please email and a staff member will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Counselor Schedule

Grace O. Anongchanya

Available by appointment on campus or remote. Email for appointments after 5pm.