What is the relationship between individual behavior and society? How do social structures of class, culture, gender, race, and sexuality affect life chances? Sociology seeks to answer these and other questions using a powerful toolkit to critically analyze and understand human action in social context. MPC’s Sociology program links school and community, providing opportunities to apply new knowledge through student-centered, inquiry-based learning and participatory action research.
Meet Your Instructors
Staff DirectoryApply Knowledge of Society & Systems
With their research skills and background in social systems, sociology graduates are
well-positioned to pursue occupations in a range of fields experiencing strong job
growth, including counseling, market analysis, and policy research.
Years to Transfer
Job Growth - Guidance Counselors
Social Workers in CA State Government
Transfer Degree
The MPC Sociology program offers a rich and dynamic core curriculum that combines
general and topical courses. All classes build on existing campus diversity by emphasizing
multicultural approaches to teaching and learning. Coursework enables seamless transfer
into the CSU system and alignment with the UC transfer pathway.

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree

Course Catalog
All Sociology Classes
Real-Life Relevance Inspires a Career
"The faculty’s excitement, passion, and knowledge was out of this world. They made
the connection from the materials relevant to our student experience. To me, and others,
that is what really makes a difference in our experience at MPC and helps us move

Bianca Hernandez
MPC Alumni