
historian curating ancient documents and artefacts

“The past is never dead. It isn’t even past,” said author William Faulkner. Studying history illuminates how distant and recent events affect the present. MPC’s History program provides opportunities to gain perspective and an appreciation for the complex motivations and movements that power human change.

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Build Skills for Research & Evaluation

Employers view history graduates as smart, creative critical thinkers. Because history teaches students how, rather than what, to think, skills are versatile and widely applicable in a range of fields. Entry-level positions in K-12 education, legal and paralegal, archival, curatorial, and technical writing/editing are presently in demand.
Years to Transfer
HS Teachers with History BA
Average Starting Salary - History Majors

Transfer Degree

MPC’s History program provides an introduction to the widely ranging historical record of human experience while developing research and analytical skills. Explore multiple pathways for transfer into the CSU system for further history coursework or for adding a historical dimension to study of other disciplines.
Old Map of Africa
Associate in Arts for Transfer


Person Unraveling Old Map
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Unlocking a Passion for the Past

"The variety of courses available made each class unique and a lot of fun. MPC showed me that I had a passion for history and was excited to pursue this passion. I truly believe that if I did not discover my passion for history, I would not have succeeded in school."
Jordan Leininger Headshot
Jordan Leininger
MPC Alumni