Workers Compensation

This page provides important information on filing claims, benefits, and resources to help employees navigate work-related injuries or illnesses.

In Case of Workplace Injury: 

#1 - Reporting Injury or Illness

Report the injury or illness to your supervisor or Human Resources department (if supervisor is not available) so you can secure medical care.  If your injury or illness developed gradually (like tendentious or hearing loss), report it as soon as you learn or believe it was caused by your job. Reporting promptly helps avoid problems and delays in receiving benefits, including medical care.

#2  Securing Medical Attention

Supervisor and injured employee should place call to "Company Nurse" our injury contact center as soon as possible.  Company Nurse will gather information regarding the incident/injury and then assist the injured workers access appropriate medical treatment.

Company Nurse Contact Information (Available 24 Hours a Day)
Phone #: 1-877-518-6702
Employer Name: Monterey Peninsula Community College District
Search Code: NCC05

Important Notice: In case of life or limb threatening injury, dial 9-1-1. Get emergency treatment if needed. Tell the medical staff that your injury or illness is job-related.

#3  Completing Workers Compensation Forms

Most departments should have "Workers Compensation Packets" with required forms and documents. 

DWC-1 Form: This form is used to request workers compensation benefits. In order to receive non-emergency medical care following an industrial injury/illness the attached DWC-1 form will need to be completed by employee and employer. Employee completes sections 1 thru 9 and Employer (Human Resources/Benefits Analyst) completes sections 10 thru 19. Return completed form to Human Resources/Benefits Analyst via email or in person.

Incident Report Form: Supervisor completes form. Both supervisor and employee sign and date form.Attach any written statement by injured employee or witness(es), if provided
Return completed form to Human Resources/Benefits Analyst via email or in person.

Supervisor's Accident Investigation Form (Appendix A): Supervisor completes form in as much detail as possible. Use Appendix B as a reference guide/checklist if needed. Return completed form to Human Resources/Benefits Analyst via email or in person.

#4 Additional Documents

The employee should also be provided with the following forms:

Workers Compensation Medical Providers

Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula
23625 WR Holman Highway
Monterey, CA 93940
Ph: (831) 624-5311
Fax: (831) 622-2648


Doctors-on-Duty - Marina
3130 Del Monte Boulevard
Marina, CA 93933
Ph: (831) 883-3330
Fax: (831) 883-3335

Doctors-on-Duty - Monterey, Fremont Blvd.
2260 North Fremont Blvd.
Monterey, CA 93940
Ph: (831) 372-6700
Fax: (831)373-6234

Doctors-on-Duty - Monterey, Lighthouse Ave.
501 Lighthouse Ave
Monterey, CA 93940
Ph: (831) 649-0770
Fax: (831) 649-0142

Doctors-on-Duty - Salinas, South Main
31212 South Main Street
Salinas, CA  93901
Ph: (831) 422-7777
Fax: (831) 422-0136

Doctors-on-Duty - Watsonville
1505 Main Street
Watsonville, CA 95076
Ph: (831) 722-1444
Fax: (831) 722-4414

Concentra Urgent Care - Gilroy
190 Leavesley Road, Suite 102
Gilroy, CA 95020
Ph: (408) 848-0444
Fax: (408) 848-0443

Additional Forms and Documents