Board Policies

Access policies adopted by the Governing Board of the Monterey Peninsula Community College District.

Contact the Governing Board

Comparing Policies & Procedures


Board policy is the voice of the Board of Trustees and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operations of the District.  Board policy implements federal and state laws and regulations. 

The Governing Board, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Superintendent/President to administer the District. The Superintendent/President and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret board policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.

Board policies are not intended to and cannot conflict with or override the law. If a conflict arises, the applicable law prevails. Similarly, the District has collective bargaining agreements with many of its employees that may alter or expand upon aspects of these policies to the extent allowed and agreed.


Administrative procedures implement Board policy, laws, and regulations. They address how the general goals of the District are achieved and define operations of the District. They include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability, and standards of practice.  

Administrative procedures are developed and implemented by the Superintendent/President, administration, faculty members, and staff members.  Procedures do not require Governing Board action.

Complete List of MPC Policies and Procedures

District board policies and administrative procedures are divided into chapters and organized by subject area. 
Board Policy Status
BP 1100 - The Monterey Peninsula Community College District Revised 5/22/24
BP 1200 - Mission Revised 6/23/21
Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 2010 - Board Membership Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2015 - Student Member Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2100 - Board Elections Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2101 - Candidates' Statement of Qualifications Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2105 - Election of Student Trustee Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2110 - Vacancies on the Governing Board Revised 5/22/24 AP 2110 - Vacancies on the Governing Board Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2200 - Board Duties and Responsibilities Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2210 - Officers Revised 11/20/19 AP 2210 - Officers Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2220 - Committees of the Governing Board Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2305 - Annual Organizational Meeting Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2310 - Regular Meetings of the Governing Board Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2315 - Closed Sessions Reviewed 5/22/24    
BP 2320 - Special and Emergency Meetings Reviewed 5/22/24 AP 2320 - Special and Emergency Meetings Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2330 - Quorum and Voting Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2340 - Agendas Revised 5/22/24 AP 2340 - Agendas Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2345 - Public Participation at Governing Board Meetings Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2350 - Speakers Revised 5/22/24    
BP 2355 - Decorum Reviewed 5/22/24    
BP 2360 - Minutes Revised 5/22/24 AP 2360 - Minutes Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2365 - Recording Revised 5/22/24 AP 2365 - Recording Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2410 - Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Revised 5/22/24 AP 2410 - Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2430 - Delegation of Authority to the Superintendent/President Revised 11/20/19 AP 2430 - Delegation of Authority to the Superintendent/President Reviewed 5/13/19
BP 2431  - Superintendent / President Selection Reviewed 11/20/19    
BP 2432 - Superintendent / President Succession Reviewed 11/20/19    
BP 2434 - Superintendent / President Contract Revised 11/20/19    
BP 2435 - Evaluation of the Superintendent / President Revised 6/22/22 AP 2435 - Evaluation of the Superintendent / President Revised 6/7/22
BP 2510 - Participation in Local Decision Making Revised 3/13/18 AP 2510 - Participation in Local Decision Making

Approved 2/22/18

BP 2511 - Academic Senate Revised 3/13/18  


BP 2610 - Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals

Reviewed 11/20/19

AP 2610 - Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals

Reviewed 5/13/19

BP 2710 - Conflict of Interest

Revised 11/20/19

AP 2710 - Conflict of Interest

Reviewed 5/13/19



AP 2712 - Conflict of Interest Code

Revised 12/16/20

BP 2715 - Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

Revised 1/26/22



BP 2716 - Political Activity

Reviewed 8/28/19



BP 2717 - Personal Use of Public Resources

Reviewed 8/28/19

AP 7371 - Personal Use of Public Resources

Approved 10/10/18

BP 2720 - Communications Among Board Members

Revised 6/22/22



BP 2721 - Communication by Gov Bd Members with College Staff

Reviewed 11/20/19



BP 2725 - Governing Board Member Compensation

Reviewed 8/28/19



BP 2730 - Governing Board Member Health Benefits

Revised 11/20/19



BP 2735 - Governing Board Member Travel

Revised 5/22/24

AP 2735 - Governing Board Member Travel

Reviewed 5/13/19

BP 2740 - Board Education

Reviewed 8/28/19



BP 2745 - Board Self-Evaluation

Reviewed 11/20/19

AP 2745 - Board Self-Evaluation

Revised 3/26/24

BP 2750 - Governing Board Member Absence from the State

Revised 8/28/19



BP 2800 - Complaints and Charges Made to the Gov Board 

Revised 11/20/19



BP 2825 - Community Relationships 

Reviewed 8/28/19



BP 2850 - Dissemination of Information to the Media 

Revised 11/20/19



Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 3050 - Institutional Code of Ethics

Revised 6/23/21

 AP 3050 - Institutional Code of Ethics

Approved 5/11/21 

BP 3100 - Organizational Structure

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3100 - Organizational Structure

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3200 - Accreditation

Revised  6/23/21

AP 3200 - Accreditation

Revised 5/24/22

BP 3225 - Institutional Effectiveness

Revised 6/23/21 

BP 3250 - Institutional Planning

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3250 - Institutional Planning

Revised 12/7/21

BP 3255 - Outcomes Assessment 

Revised 6/23/21 

BP 3280 - Grants

Revised 6/23/21

BP 3300 - Public Records

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3300 - Public Records

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3310 - Records Retention and Destruction

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3310 - Records Retention and Destruction

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3410 - Nondiscrimination

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3410 - Nondiscrimination

Revised 5/11/21

    AP 3415 - Immigration Enforcement Activities 

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3420 - Equal Employment Opportunity

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3420 - Equal Employment Opportunity

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3430 - Prohibition of Harassment

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3430 - Prohibition of Harassment

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual  Harassment Under Title IX

Adopted 6/23/21

AP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

Approved 5/11/21

    AP 3434 - Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX 

Revised 4/9/24

    AP 3435 - Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations 

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3439 - Animals on Campus 

Reviewed 6/23/21

BP 3440 - Service Animals

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3440 - Service Animals

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3500 - Campus Safety

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3500 - Campus Safety

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3501 - Campus Security and Access

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3501 - Campus Security and Access Approved 5/11/21
BP 3505 - Emergency Response Plan

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3505 - Emergency Response Plan

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3510 - Workplace Violence Plan

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3510 - Workplace Violence

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3515 - Reporting of Crimes

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3515 - Reporting of Crimes

Approved 5/11/21

    AP 3516 - Registered Sex Offender Information 

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3518 - Child Abuse Reporting

Revised 6/23/21

BP 3520 - Local Law Enforcement

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3520 - Local Law Enforcement

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3530 - Weapons on Campus

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3530 - Weapons on Campus

Reviewed 5/11/21

BP 3540 - Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3540 - Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3550 - Drug Free Environment & Drug Prevention Program

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3550 - Drug-Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3560 - Alcoholic Beverages

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3560 - Alcoholic Beverages

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3570 - Smoking on Campus

Reviewed 6/23/21

AP 3570 - Smoking on Campus

Approved 5/11/21

BP 3600 - Auxiliary Organizations

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3600 - Regulations for Auxiliary Organizations

Revised/Adopted 6/23/21

BP 3710 - Securing of Copyright

Reviewed 6/23/21

BP 3715 - Intellectual Property

Reviewed 6/23/21

BP 3720 - Computer and Network Use

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3720 - Computer and Network Use

Revised 5/11/21

BP 3735 - District Resources 

Revised 6/23/21

BP 3810 - Claims Against the District

Revised 6/23/21

AP 3810 - Claims Against the District Posted 11/13/24
BP 3820 - Gifts

Revised 6/23/21

BP 3900 - Speech: Time, Place, Manner

Reviewed 6/23/21

BP 3910 - Soliciting Funds or Business on Campus 

Revised 6/23/21

BP 3950 - Display of Flags 

Revised 6/23/21

Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 4010 - Academic Calendar

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4010 - Academic Calendar

Approved 11/24/20

BP 4020 - Program, Curriculum & Course Development

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4020-A - Student Learning Hours and Units of Credit

Revised 11/28/23

    AP 4022 - Course Approval

Approved 5/25/21

    AP 4023 - Academic Program Development and Approval

Approved 2/9/21 

BP 4021 - Program Discontinuance

Revised 4/28/21 

AP 4021 - Academic Program Revitalization or Discontinuance

Approved 2/9/21 

BP 4025 - Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree & General Ed

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4025 - Philosophy & Criteria for Associate Degree & General Education

Approved 5/25/21

BP 4030 - Academic Freedom

Revised 8/24/22


BP 4040 - Library and Learning Support Services

Reviewed 4/28/21

BP 4050 - Articulation

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4050 - Articulation

Approved 10/13/20

BP 4060 - Delineation of Functions Agreements

Reviewed 4/28/21

BP 4070 - Course Auditing

Adopted 4/28/21 

AP 4070 - Course Auditing and Auditing Fees

Approved 9/8/20

BP 4100 - Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4100 - Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates

Approved 5/25/21

    AP 4101 - Independent Study

Approved 9/8/20 

    AP 4102 - Career and Technical Education Programs

Approved 10/13/20 

    AP 4103 - Work Experience 

Revised 5/14/24

    AP 4105 - Distance Education 

Approved 3/9/21

BP 4106 - Nursing Programs

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4106 - Nursing Program

Approved 10/13/20

BP 4115 - College Catalog

Revised 4/28/21

BP 4220 - Standards of Scholarship

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4220 - Standards of Scholarship

Approved 3/9/21

    AP 4222 - Remedial Coursework 

Approved 5/25/21

BP 4225 - Course Repetition

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4227 - Repeatable Courses

Approved 10/13/20


AP 4228 - Course Repetition — Significant Lapse of Time

Approved 10/13/20

    AP 4229 - Course Repetition – Variable Units

Approved 10/13/20

BP 4226 - Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4226 - Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments

Approved 10/13/20

BP 4230 - Grading and Academic Records Symbols

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4230 - Grading and Academic Record Symbols

Approved 11/24/20

BP 4231 - Grade Changes

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4231 - Grade Changes

Approved 11/24/20

    AP 4232 - Pass/No Pass 

Approved 10/13/20 

BP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning

Approved 11/24/20

    AP 4236 - Advanced Placement Credit 

Approved 10/13/20 

BP 4240 - Academic Renewal

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4240 - Academic Renewal

Approved 12/8/20

BP 4250 - Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4250 - Probation

Approved 5/25/21

    AP 4255 - Dismissal and Readmission 

Approved 5-25-21

BP 4260 - Prerequisites, Co-requisites, and Advisories

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4260 - Prerequisites and Corequisites

Approved 4/12/22

BP 4300 - Field Trips and Excursions

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4300 - Field Trips and Excursions

Approved 4/12/22

BP 4400 - Continuing Education Programs

Revised 4/28/21

AP 4400 - Continuing Education

Approved 5/25/21

    AP 4500 - Student News Media 

Approved 5/25/21 

BP 4610 - Instructional Service Agreements (ISA) 

Reviewed 4/28/21

AP 4610 - Instructional Service Agreements 

Approved 4/12/22

BP 4615 - Contract Education 

Revised 4/28/21 

AP 4104 - Contract Education 

Approved 4/12/22

Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 5010 - Admissions & Concurrent Enrollment



AP 5010 - Admissions & Concurrent (Dual) Enrollment

Approved 4/12/22

    AP 5011 - Admission & Dual (Concurrent) Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students 

Approved 5/10/22

BP 5012 - International Students



AP 5012 - International Students

Approved 4/13/21

    AP 5013 - Students in the Military 

Approved 12/7/21

BP 5015 - Residence Determination 

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5015 - Residence Determination 

Approved 5/10/22 

    AP 5017 - Responding to Inquiries of Immigration Status, Citizenship Status, and National Origin Information

Approved 5/10/22 

BP 5020 - Nonresident Tuition

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5020 - Nonresident Tuition

Approved 5/10/22

BP 5030 - Fees

Revised 11/16/22

AP 5030 - Fees

Approved 4/12/22

    AP 5031 - Instructional Materials 

Approved 5/10/22 

BP 5035 - Withholding of Student Records

Revised 11/17/21

AP 5035 - Withholding of Student Records

Approved 5/10/22

BP 5040 - Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy

Revised 5/11/22

AP 5040 - Student Records, Directory Information & Privacy

Approved 12/8/20

    AP 5045 - Student Records: Challenging Content and Access Log

Approved 5/10/22 

BP 5050 - Student Success and Support Program

Revised 11/17/21

AP 5050 - Student Success & Support Program

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5052 - Open Enrollment

Revised 8/24/22

AP 5052 - Open Enrollment 

Approved 4/12/22

BP 5055 - Enrollment Priorities

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5055 - Enrollment Priorities

Approved 5/10/22

    AP 5070 - Attendance 

Approved 5/10/22 

    AP 5075 - Course Adds and Drops 

Approved 5/10/22

BP 5110 - Counseling

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5110 - Counseling

Approved 10/12/21

BP 5120 - Transfer Center

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5120 - Transfer Center

Approved 4/12/22

BP 5130 - Financial Aid

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5130 - Financial Aid

Approved 11/24/20

BP 5140 - Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)

Revised 5/11/22

AP 5140 - Disabled Students Program & Services (DSPS) - Access Resource Center

Approved 11/24/20

BP 5150 - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5150 - Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

Approved 12/8/20

BP 5160 - Child Care 

Reviewed 5/11/22 

BP 5200 - Student Health Services

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5200 - Student Health Services

Approved 12/7/21

    AP 5203 - Lactation Accommodation

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5205 - Student Accident Insurance

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5205 - Student Accident Insurance

Approved 5/10/22

BP 5210 - Communicable Disease

Revised 8/24/22

AP 5210 - Communicable Disease

Revised 5/24/22

BP 5220 - Shower Facilities for Students 

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5220 - Shower Facilities for Students 

Revised 9/13/22 

BP 5300 - Student Equity

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5300 - Student Equity

Approved 12/8/20

BP 5400 - Associated Students Organization

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5400 - Associated Students Organization

Approved 9/28/21

BP 5410 - Associated Students Elections

Revised 5/11/22

AP 5410 - Associated Students Elections

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5420 - Associated Students Finance

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5420 - Associated Students Finance

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5500 - Standards of Student Conduct

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5500 - Standards of Student Conduct

Reviewed 12/7/21

    AP 5520 - Student Discipline Procedures 

Approved 5/10/22

    AP 5530 - Student Rights and Grievances 

Approved 10/12/21

BP 5510 - Off-Campus Student Organizations

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5510 - Off-Campus Student Organizations

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5570 - Student Credit Card Solicitation

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5570 - Student Credit Card Solicitation

Approved 9/14/21

 N/A   AP 5610 - Voter Registration

Approved 9/14/21

BP 5700 - Intercollegiate Athletics

Revised 5/11/22

AP 5700 - Intercollegiate Athletics

Approved 11/24/20

BP 5800 - Prevention of ID Theft in Student Financial Transactions

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 5800 - Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions

Approved 5/10/22

Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 6100 - Delegation of Authority

Revised 2/24/16

BP 6150 - Designation of Authorized Signatures

Adopted 2/24/16

BP 6200 - Budget Preparation

Revised 2/24/16

AP 6200 - Budget Preparation

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6210 - General Fund Reserve

Revised 2/24/16

BP 6250 - Budget Management

Revised 2/24/16

AP 6250 - Budget Management

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6251 - Inventory of District Property 

Revised 3/13/18

BP 6300 - Fiscal Management

Revised 2/24/16

AP 6300 - Fiscal Management

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6307 - Debt Issuance and Management

Adopted 2/21/18

AP 6307 - Debt Issuance and Management 

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6320 - Investments

Revised 2/24/16

AP  6320 - Investments

Approved 10/10/18

BP 6330 - Purchasing

Reviewed 2/24/16

BP 6340 - Bids and Contracts

Revised 6/24/20

AP 6345 - Bids and Contracts: UPCCAA

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6370 - Contracts - Personal Services 

Revised 3/13/18 

AP 6370 - Contracts - Personal Services 

Approved 4/28/20 

BP 6400 - Financial Audits

Adopted 2/24/16

AP 6400 - Financial Audits

Approved 10/10/18

BP 6450 - Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use

Revised 6/24/20

BP 6500 - Real Property Management

Revised 2/24/16

BP 6520 - Security for District Property

Adopted 2/24/16

BP 6540 - Insurance

Revised 2/24/16

AP 6540 - Insurance

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6550 - Disposal of District Property

Reviewed 2/24/16

BP 6600 - Capital Construction

Reviewed 2/24/16

AP 6600 - Capital Construction

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6620 - Naming of Facilities

Revised 6/29/17

AP 6620 - Naming of Facilities

Revised 8/22/23

BP 6700 - Civic Center and Other Facilities Use

Revised 6/24/20

BP 6740 - Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Revised 6/29/17

AP 6740 - Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Approved 6/26/17

BP 6750 - Parking

Revised 6/24/20

AP 6750 - Parking

Approved 4/28/20

BP 6800 - Safety

Revised 2/24/16

BP 6900 - Bookstore

Revised 2/24/16

BP 6910 - Housing

Adopted 2/24/16

Board Policy Status Administrative Procedure Status
BP 7100 - Commitment to Diversity

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7110 - Delegation of Authority, Human Resources

Reviewed 5/11/22

AP 7110 - Delegation of Authority for Human Resources

Revised 5/10/22

BP 7120 - Recruitment and Hiring

Revised 2/22/23

AP 7120 - Recruitment and Hiring

Revised 10/11/22

    AP 7121 - Recruitment and Hiring: Management and Confidential Positions 

Revised 5/24/22 

    AP 7123 - Recruitment and Hiring: Adjunct Faculty 

Revised 5/14/24

    AP 7125 - Verification of Eligibility for Employment 

Approved 5/24/22

    AP 7126 - Applicant Background Checks

Revised 5/24/22

BP 7130 - Compensation

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7140 - Collective Bargaining

Reviewed 5/11/22

    AP 7145 - Personnel Files 

Approved 5/24/22

BP 7150 - Evaluation

Reviewed 5/11/22 

AP 7150 - Evaluation

Revised 5/24/22

BP 7160 - Professional Development

Reviewed 5/11/22 

AP 7160 - Professional Development 

Approved 5/24/22

BP 7161 - Professional Development - President and Vice Presidents 

Reviewed 5/11/22 

BP 7210 - Academic Employees

Reviewed 8/24/22

    AP 7211 - Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies

Approved 9/13/22

    AP 7212 - Temporary Faculty 

Revised 5/10/22

    AP 7215 - Academic Employees: Probationary Contract Faculty 

Approved 5/10/22

    AP 7216 - Academic Employees: Grievance Procedure for Contract Decisions 

Approved 5/10/22

BP 7211 - Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, & Equivalencies

Revised 5/11/22 

AP 7211 - Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies  Approved 9/13/22
BP 7219 - Emeritus Status 

Revised 8/24/22 

BP 7230 - Classified Employees

Revised 5/11/22

AP 7230 - Classified Employees

Revised 9/27/22

    AP 7232 - Classification Review for Unrepresented Employees

Approved 12/13/22

    AP 7233 - Claims for Work Out of Classification 

Revised 12/13/22 

    AP 7234 - Overtime (Unrepresented Employees) 

Approved 12/13/22

BP 7236 - Substitute and Short-Term Employees 

Revised 5/11/22

BP 7240 - Confidential Employees

Revised 5/11/22

BP 7250 - Educational Administrators

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7260 - Classified Supervisors and Managers

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7261 - Health & Welfare Benefits: Unrepresented Regular Employees 

Revised 8/24/22 

BP 7270 - Student Workers 

Reviewed 5/11/22 

 AP 7270 - Student Workers

Approved 9/27/22

BP 7310 - Nepotism

Revised 11/16/22

AP 7310 - Nepotism

Approved 9/27/22

BP 7330 - Communicable Disease

Revised 5/11/22

AP 7330 - Communicable Disease

Revised 10/25/22

BP 7335 - Health Examinations

Reviewed 5/11/22

    AP 7336 - Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis

Revised 10/25/22

    AP 7337 - Fingerprinting 

Approved 11/8/22

BP 7340 - Leaves

Revised 8/24/22

AP 7340 - Leaves and Vacation: Management, Supervisory, and Confidential Employees 

Approved 5/24/22

    AP 7343 - Industrial Accident and Illness Leave 

Approved 5/24/22

    AP 7344 - Notifying District of Illness 

Approved 10/25/22

    AP 7346 - Employees Called to Military Duty 

Approved 5/10/22

BP 7342 - Holidays

Revised 8/24/22

AP 7342 - Holidays

Approved 5/24/22

BP 7345 - Catastrophic Leave Program

Revised 5/11/22

AP 7345 - Catastrophic Leave Program

Approved 5/10/22

    AP 7348 - Accommodations 

Approved 10/11/22 

BP 7350 - Resignations

Revised 5/11/22

BP 7360 - Discipline and Dismissal:  Academic Employees

Revised 8/24/22

AP 7360 - Discipline and Dismissal: Academic Employees

Revised 5/10/22

BP 7365 - Discipline and Dismissal:  Classified Employees

Revised 8/24/22

AP 7365 - Discipline and Dismissal:  Classified Employees

Approved 11/27/17

BP 7370 - Political Activity

Revised 8/24/22

AP 7370 - Political Activity

Revised 11/8/22

    AP 7371 - Personal Use of Public Resources  Reviewed 11/8/22 
BP 7380 - Retiree Health Benefits:  Academic Employees

Reviewed 8/24/22

AP 7380 - Retiree Health Benefits: Academic Employees 

Approved 5/10/22

BP 7385 - Salary Deductions

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7400 - Travel

Revised 8/24/22

BP 7500 - Volunteers

Reviewed 8/24/22

AP 7500 - Volunteers

Approved 11/8/22

BP 7510 - Domestic Partners

Reviewed 8/24/22

BP 7600 - Campus Security Officers Adopted 10/25/17 AP 7600 - Campus Security Personnel Approved 8/27/24
BP 7650 - Institutional Emergencies:  Management, Supervisory, and Confidential Employees

Reviewed 8/24/22

BP 7700 - Whistleblower Protection

Reviewed 8/24/22

AP 7700 - Whistleblower Protection

Revised 11/8/22