
As an employer of a MPC Work Experience Education (WORK) student, your role is key to their success. Please work with your employee to develop measurable, job-related learning objectives that support their growth in your organization.

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Expectations for Employers

Employer participants in the Work Experience Education (WORK) program at MPC are critical to its success.

You’ll be expected to sit down with your employee and assist them with the formulation of three measurable job-related learning objectives you feel would make this individual a better and more effective employee within your organization. You’ll be asked to sign off on these objectives and commit to helping your employee succeed.  

You can look over the Student Handbook to acquaint yourself with what the student will request from you. Determine whether the student should be considered an employee or an intern by reviewing this list.

Learning Objectives

Types of Learning Objectives

Objectives can embrace any number of work oriented tasks or skills. These may include adding to or improving upon any existing job-related skill or task.

These may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

  1. Improving customer-client relations.
  2. Learning a new computer application.
  3. Finding a solution to an existing work-related problem.
  4. Finding new job tasks to complete.
  5. Personal improvement of social skills, work performance, or increasing one's usefulness on the job.

Developing Learning Objectives

When you meet with your employee-student, discuss what objectives you both agree would be challenging and acceptable.

Generally speaking, each objective should meet three criteria:

  1. What will the employee do?
  2. How will they do it?
  3. How will they measure their accomplishment at the end of the semester?

Make sure the student is recording hours worked in their handbook and their logs are presented to you for your signature and approval. The hours logged should reflect all hours worked on the job including overtime or “compensation” time. Please check hours tallied for accuracy.

The student will coordinate an employer/instructor/student worksite visit at least two weeks before the end of the course. This 30-minute meeting can be online or in-person. Details and access to the worksite scheduler are provided in the student’s welcome email. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange this meeting.