Administration & Management
Prepare for one of the most popular and potentially lucrative entry points into a business career. Courses in MPC’s Sales and Marketing program cover how to build awareness, create demand, and drive sales.
Business Skills Center (BUSC)
A Flexible Learning Experience
Paving the Way for Success

Business Advisory Board
The MPC Business Advisory Board serves as a bridge between MPC Business and the business community, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that enhances MPC Business's ability to achieve the school's mission. MPC Business is committed to nurturing enduring relationships with members of the business community, ensuring our programs' ongoing relevance and vitality, and preparing MPC Business students for their successful careers in business.
Our mission will be accomplished through these objectives set forth to guide board participants:
- Promoting the visibility of the Department in the business community. Advisory Board members will serve as effective advocates for the Department's programs, students, and faculty.
- Providing strategic guidance and advice to develop and continuously improve a relevant business curriculum. The board is an integral part of the program review process for MPC Business, providing critical input in the 6-year program review cycle and the annual program review updates.
- Assisting in the identification and recruiting of student populations to MPC business.
- Helping ensure that MPC business department graduates are prepared for and have good opportunities available upon graduation.
- Supporting ongoing faculty development through efforts to involve MPC Business personnel in the business community. This includes bringing industry-specific insight to the attention of MPC Business.
- The board membership will consist of between 6 and 12 active members from the business community.
- Board members will provide diverse representation representative of MPC's business community and stakeholders.
- The advisory board membership will comprise knowledgeable representatives from key business sectors in MPC's service area.
- Advisory board members are appointed by the Division Chair of the MPC Career Education division to serve two or three-year terms as mutually agreed by the Division Chair and the Board Member, and by mutual agreement, can be re-appointed to additional terms.
- A Chair (and co-chair) are to be elected by board membership to serve one-year terms renewable through the election process.
- Meetings may be run by Roberts's Rules of Order as deemed appropriate by board leadership.
- Board members hold advisory roles and do not have managerial responsibilities beyond these advisory roles. The day-to-day organizational responsibilities of Administration, Faculty, and Staff remain solely those of administration, faculty, and staff.
- Board meetings will occur at least twice per year, once towards the end of the Spring semester and once towards the end of the Fall semester as scheduling determines.
- Members receive the following benefits instead of monetary compensation: assistance in recruiting top students from MPC, an avenue for presenting advisement on your specialty business segment needs, promotional recognition in MPC publications and announcements, a certificate recognizing your membership service, the appreciation of MPC Business and our students and other stakeholders for your valuable contributions.
- MPC Business is to keep Advisory Board members up to date by providing communications at least once per month during spring and fall semesters and at least once over the summer.
- Meeting agendas, requests for further research, and other topic developments should be discussed well before meetings to enable meetings to focus on active, participative discussion in favor of routine updates.
- Advisory Board members are encouraged to contact MPC Business administrators, faculty, and staff to provide timely input, to request or share research, and to involve MPC Business in industry.
- The primary point of contact at MPC Business is the Career Education Division Office Manager at 831-646-4071. Board members may contact any member of MPC Business directly at any time.
- Align the meeting agenda with the mission and objectives, tying it into the program review process. Link as many meeting plans together into the future as far as possible.
- Build each meeting agenda around actionable goals, topics, and processes.
- MPC Business and board members each play a role in establishing meeting agendas. Agenda details and overall focus of each meeting are subject to the needs of MPC Business and the needs of the board as represented by the board’s leadership.
- At least 50% of the meeting should be devoted to multiple perspective discussions, problem-solving, listening to input from Board members, and/or being involved in other productive activities that respect and value the time and expertise contributed by the Board members.
- Presentations by MPC Business should be limited to at most 25% of the scheduled meeting time.
- Consider the unique expertise of each board member. Solicit input directly from board members based on their specific skills or stake in the decision. Utilize a few general questions for everybody and more specific questions for each expert.
- End each meeting by preparing an action plan to work toward achieving the mission.