Business administration skills are essential in every field imaginable, from aerospace to zoos. Learn to make information-based decisions, follow sound accounting practices, and communicate effectively in a business environment.
Meet Your Instructors
Staff DirectorySkills Applicable in Any Sector
Graduates can work in a variety of job roles, including in finance, management, marketing,
sales, and human resources. Or they can strike out on their own as startup entrepreneurs
or small business owners.
Years to Degree
Can Complete Degree Fully Online
1 in 5
Top Executives Major in Business Administration
Degrees or Certificates to Choose From
Prepare for transfer to a four-year college or university, build skills to enter the
workforce at entry level or above, or update your job knowledge.

Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
Business Administration 2.0

Associate in Science Degree
Business Administration

Certificate of Achievement
Business Administration

Course Catalog
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Igniting a Passion for Scholarship
"The general business foundation I received at MPC prepared me very well for Cal Poly.
Aside from the technical accounting skills I was taught at MPC, I was introduced to
other aspects of the business realm and how Accounting played a key role. This sparked
a curiosity that still lives with me today."

Juan Pimental
MPC Alumnus