
MPC Students on bridge
Reach for Your Goals

We've Got You!

Reach Your Goals

Continue Your Education

Transfer to a University

Achieve Professional Growth

Career Advancement

Earn College Credits in High School

Dual Enrollment

Explore and Create with Lifelong Learning

Personal Enrichment

"Before attending MPC, I had no idea what career to pursue, but their Intro to Engineering course helped me discover my passion for computer engineering and prepared me exceptionally well for future engineering and computer science classes."
Alumnus Amira Ryce
Amira Ryce
MPC Alumnus

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Industry-Connected Learning

"I love knowing that our professors are often working in the industry when they aren’t teaching, so they always help to connect us with several opportunities that others don’t have access to. The integration of experiential learning in my classes help my curriculum, and improve my knowledge in the wine industry that I am currently working."
Fanny Gonzalez
Hospitality Food & Beverage Management