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Contact Admissions & AidChoose Your Classes & Enroll
You’re assigned an enrollment date based on how long you’ve been an MPC student, how many units you’ve completed, and other criteria.
Your priority assignment and registration date will be posted to MPC’s online registration system, WebReg. Dates are released the last week of March for Summer and Fall classes, and the first week of October for Winter and Spring classes.
- Learn More About Priority Registration
- Get Started with WebReg
Visit the current MPC class schedule and make a list of courses you’d like to take, along with the section numbers of the schedule options you prefer.
- Note a couple of different potential sections for each class so you have alternatives if your first choice is already full.
- The schedule will indicate if a class is closed, unavailable, or has a waitlist.
- Need help choosing classes? Access Academic Counseling.
Sign up for classes via WebReg on or after your assigned enrollment date.
- You can access WebReg from anywhere on mpc.edu via the button at the top right. A WebReg quick link is also available in your Lobo Apps.
- To sign up for classes, select the appropriate semester or session and add classes.
- After making all your class selections, click “check out” and choose a payment option.
- View Detailed How-To Steps.
Special Registration Circumstances
Join a Waitlist
If the class or section you prefer is full, you can add your name to the waitlist.
If spaces open up before the semester starts, WebReg automatically notifies students
based on when they joined the waitlist.
If you’re first in the virtual line, you’ll receive an email notification. You’ll
have three days to claim your spot before WebReg moves on to the next waitlist candidate.
Waitlists close at midnight on the day the class starts. After that, if spots open
up, instructors can issue add codes starting with the students at the front of the
For more details, view the Waitlist Instructions.
Add a Class Late
Even if classes have already started, you can still sign up. You just need to request
an add code from the instructor.
Add codes are four digit, single-use numbers, specific to each class and term. They
expire on the semester’s final day to add a class.
Once you have an add code, log in to WebReg to activate it and sign up for the class.
For help, consult the Add Code Worksheet.
Drop a Class
If you need to drop a class, you can remove your name from the roster via WebReg.
Log on, navigate to the list of your current classes, click the blue “DROP” link,
and complete the checkout process.
There are several drop cutoff dates each semester, each with different outcomes relating
to refunds and grades. Pay attention to the deadlines and once you decide not to continue
with a class, drop it promptly.
Registration Toolkit
Priority Registration Essentials
Students may register 24 hours a day, beginning at 8 am on their priority registration day. We encourage all students to check their WebReg portal for their Registration Priority.
Priority registration for continuing students is based on the number of units completed at Monterey Peninsula College and the in-progress units for the current semester. Units completed at other institutions will not be considered. Active US military, US Veterans, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, ARC, EOPS, CalWORKs, parents of minor children (please see below*), student-athletes, ASMPC officers, and students within the following programs: First Year Experience, Teacher Pathway Program, Umoja, and TRIO have separate priority registration dates.
- Continuing students are students enrolled at MPC during the prior full semester (not counting summer session).
- Returning students have previously enrolled at MPC but not in in the prior full semester.
- New and new transfer students are students who have never enrolled at MPC.
- Dual enrollment students are students who are currently in grades 6 – 12.
- Open registration: Once open registration begins, all students may register 24 hours a day, including holidays.
You may register 24 hours a day, beginning at 8 am on your priority registration day.
Priority 1 |
Active US Military, US Veterans, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, ARC, EOPS & CalWORKs and parents of minor children Students must be either continuing MPC students in good standing¹ (up to 99.9 units²), or fully matriculated³ if new or returning |
April 14 (Projected) |
Priority 2 |
Student Athletes, ASMPC Officers, and students within the following programs: First Year Experience, Teacher Pathway Program, Umoja, and TRIO Students must be either continuing MPC students in good standing¹ (up to 99.9 units²), or fully matriculated³ if new or returning |
April 15 (Projected) |
Priority 3 |
Continuing MPC students in good standing¹ with 30.0-99.9 units in progress and on file |
April 16 (Projected) |
Priority 4 |
Continuing MPC students in good standing¹ with 0.0-29.5 units in progress and on file |
April 17 (Projected) |
Priority 5 |
New fully matriculated³ students |
April 18 (Projected) |
Open Registration |
Open Registration for all other New and Returning students, dual enrolled students (grades 6-12), and continuing MPC students with 99.9+ units in progress and on file |
April 21 (Projected) |
(1) In good standing: Student who is NOT on academic or progress dismissal or not on probation for the last two consecutive semesters (Foster Youth will not lose priority and need to be manually adjusted).
(2) 100 units: Once students reach 100 units, they lose priority; the limit includes only degree-applicable units (MPC courses numbered 1-299).
(3) Fully Matriculated: The student has completed the assessment and orientation and has an educational plan on file for the term (which is required for priority registration).
*Priority registration for parents of minor children is a new priority registration group beginning in spring 2024. Parents who provide more than 50% of the support for their minor children are encouraged to submit the Student Parent Priority Registration Request form to the Admissions & Records Office. If you have any questions, please visit the Admissions & Records Office or email admissions@mpc.edu.
You may register 24 hours a day, beginning at 8 am on your priority registration day.
Priority 1 |
Active US Military, US Veterans, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, ARC, EOPS & CalWORKs and parents of minor children Students must be either continuing MPC students in good standing¹ (up to 99.9 units²), or fully matriculated³ if new or returning |
April 23 (Projected) |
Priority 2 |
Student Athletes, ASMPC Officers, and students within the following programs: First Year Experience, Teacher Pathway Program, Umoja, and TRIO Students must be either continuing MPC students in good standing¹ (up to 99.9 units²), or fully matriculated³ if new or returning |
April 25 (Projected) |
Priority 3 |
Continuing MPC students in good standing¹ with 30.0-99.9 units in progress and on file |
April 28 (Projected) |
Priority 4 |
Continuing MPC students in good standing¹ with 0.0-29.5 units in progress and on file |
April 30 (Projected) |
Priority 5 |
New fully matriculated³ students |
May 2 (Projected) |
Open Registration |
Open Registration for all other New and Returning students, dual enrolled students (grades 6-12), and continuing MPC students with 99.9+ units in progress and on file |
May 5 (Projected) |
(1) In good standing: Student who is NOT on academic or progress dismissal or not on probation for the last two consecutive semesters (Foster Youth will not lose priority and need to be manually adjusted).
(2) 100 units: Once students reach 100 units, they lose priority; the limit includes only degree-applicable units (MPC courses numbered 1-299).
(3) Fully Matriculated: The student has completed the assessment and orientation and has an educational plan on file for the term (which is required for priority registration).
*Priority registration for parents of minor children is a new priority registration group beginning in spring 2024. Parents who provide more than 50% of the support for their minor children are encouraged to submit the Student Parent Priority Registration Request form to the Admissions & Records Office. If you have any questions, please visit the Admissions & Records Office or email admissions@mpc.edu.
The California Community Colleges Board of Governors has approved a regulation that mandates Monterey Peninsula College and all other California community colleges to implement priority registration by fall 2014. This regulation establishes system-wide enrollment priorities, ensuring that classes are available for students seeking job training, degree attainment, or transfer. Moreover, it rewards those who make steady progress toward their educational goals.
Students who have completed college orientation, assessment, and developed educational plans, as well as continuing students in good academic standing who have not exceeded 100 units (not including basic English, English as a Second Language, and math), will have an earlier priority registration date than those who do not meet these criteria.
We strongly encourage those on probation to seek help to improve their academic standing. It is essential for students nearing 100 units to carefully plan their remaining courses to ensure they make the most of their academic journey.
If you have questions about priority registration, please contact the Admissions & Records Office.
You may petition the Academic Council for loss of priority under the following two criteria:
- Extenuating Circumstances
Extenuating circumstances are verified accidents, illnesses, or circumstances beyond the student's control [58108(k)].
- Significant Improvement
If loss of priority is due to academic or progress probation/dismissal, it may be reinstated through the petition process by demonstrating significant academic improvement for a subsequent term. The minimum standard for significant academic improvement for a subsequent term is 55031, where you must earn at least a 2.0 grade point average and complete more than 50% of the units attempted for the term.
With two noted exceptions:
- Foster Youth do not lose priority.
- If you have a verified disability, you may petition the DSPS (ARC) coordinator to reinstate your priority, if lost, as a disability accommodation.